Unlocking The Magic: Laurel Berry Oil Benefits


Laurel berry oil has been used for centuries as a popular folk remedy in many cultures. It was used by Native Americans to treat aches and pains, while in Europe it boosted energy levels and relieved ailments. Nowadays, this precious oil is gaining fame for its mixed magic benefits including relieving pain from arthritis, reducing stress hormones, boosting energy levels, and mopping up toxins from the body keeping you healthy all-round.

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Laurel berry oil is extracted from the leaves of the bay tree which contains powerful antioxidants called luteolin as well as anti-inflammatory properties to soothe painful joints. In the summer, the leaves of this tree have a sweet honey-like aroma and taste, so you'd be very lucky to find them in a market or herb shop in the winter. The seeds used for extraction are found at the base of the branches. The stems and roots are not made into herbal medicine but are still edible. This bay tree is native to North America and is often found in forests or by streams throughout central Canada, Alaska, the eastern United States, and Finland.

Important Health Benefits Of Laurel Berry Oil:

1) Arthritis Relief

Laurel berry oil is rich in analgesic (pain relieving) and anti-inflammatory properties that can reduce aches, pains, swellings, and inflammation caused by arthritis. It contains compounds like ursolic acid and naringenin that target inflammation and pain.

2) Boosts Energy Levels

With the natural sugar content in laurel berry oil, it can increase stamina and endurance. It is an excellent source of many B vitamins that are closely linked to energy metabolism. These vitamins are important to maintain energy levels and to help the body produce more red blood cells which transport oxygen around the body.

3) Lowers Blood Pressure

Laurel berry oil contains magnesium that helps relax blood vessels, reduce the risk of arrhythmia, which is a temporary irregular beating of the heart or an abnormal heart rhythm, and lower blood pressure. Magnesium also may improve sleep quality helping combat stress. 

4) Liver Detoxifier

Laurel berry oil contains a powerful antioxidant called luteolin that can protect the liver from damage caused by harmful molecules. It can help to prevent cell damage and even regenerate damaged liver cells to perform their functions properly.

5) Anti-Ageing Effects

Owing to the high content of polyphenols in laurel berry oil, it has many anti-aging properties that can slow down the process of aging and even reverse some of its effects. It also slows down degeneration of brain cells which is believed to cause Alzheimer's disease.

6) Relieves Respiratory Problems

Laurel berry oil helps to soothe a sore throat, reduce catarrh and congestion in the chest. It is also known for its decongestant properties that can open up clogged airways and reduce inflammation-causing mucus production. This makes it useful for treating colds, sinusitis, and other allergy symptoms.

7) Skin Rejuvenator

Laurel berry oil contains anti-inflammatory properties that can help to relieve redness caused by irritated skin or acne. It also has antioxidant properties which can slow down the aging of skin cells reducing wrinkles and fine lines.

8) Helps Fight Tumors

The anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties of laurel berry oil can help to fight the formation of cancerous cells in the body. Many studies have shown that people who regularly consume large amounts of this oil may lower their risk of getting certain types of cancer by up to 50%.

9) Weight Loss Aid

Laurel berry oil is a very effective fat burner, helping to increase energy levels and lower appetite. It is also an excellent source of many B vitamins that are closely linked to energy metabolism. These vitamins are important for maintaining energy levels and helping the body produce more red blood cells which transport oxygen all around the body.

10) May Prevent Heart Disease

Many studies have shown that people who regularly consume large amounts of this oil have a lower risk of getting atherosclerosis which is the formation of fatty deposits in the arteries that can cause them to narrow over time.

11) Soothing Effects On Baby's Skin

Laurel berry oil contains fatty acids known as linoleic and linolenic acid which help to reduce irritation in baby's skin. It also has essential nutrients such as vitamin A and vitamin E, both of which are important antioxidants that protect cells from damage.

How Is Laurel Berry Oil Extracted For Skin Benefits?


Step 1: The red bayberries are picked from the tree in the summer and left to dry.

Step 2: As the berries dry in the oven, they go through several changes. First, the fruits crack and then shrink away from each other, leaving cavities or seeds left behind along with seed oils as well as some lignin. The drying process leaves behind about 20-30% of their original weight in oil, along with a fair amount of these white seeds which can also be used for herbal medicine.

Step 3: After being dried, they are exported to China where once again they are cleaned and then crushed into a pulp before being sent back to Canada for extraction.

Step 4: For oil extraction, the berries are put into hot water and boiled for about an hour. The water is then strained and the liquid is kept aside to cool. The seeds are then removed using a press or sieve and the remaining liquid is steamed with de-oiled rice hulls and distilled using steam distillation. This heating process reduces the oil content of the berry down to just 35%.

Step 5: The resulting amber-colored laurel berry oil is a mixture of several fatty acids like linoleic acid, beta-sitosterol, lauric acid as well as beta-pinene along with some alcohols such as linalool.

Step 6: The oil is then filtered several times to remove any impurities and a small amount of the fatty acids are removed to enhance its shelf life.

Step 7: Once the final product is ready, it is packaged under sterile conditions and stored in a cool place until it reaches the consumer markets.

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1) How do you get laurel berry oil from the berries on the tree?

The laurel bayberries are picked from the tree in the summer and left to dry. As the berries dry in an oven, they go through several changes. First, they crack and then shrink away from each other, leaving cavities or seeds left behind along with seed oils as well as some lignin. The drying process leaves behind about 20-30% of their original weight in oil, along with a fair amount of these white seeds which can also be used for herbal medicine. After being dried, they are sent to China where once again they are cleaned and then crushed into a pulp before being sent back to Canada for extraction.

2) How is the oil applied?

The laurel berry oil is extracted from the berries using several processes. It is then filtered several times to remove any impurities and a small amount of fatty acids to enhance its shelf life. Once the final product is ready, it is packaged under sterile conditions and stored in a cool place until it reaches the consumer markets.

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