Tea Tree Oil: The Natural Solution For Cold Sore Relief

Tea tree oil has been used for years as a remedy for stress, acne, and colds. Recently, it's become more popular among people who suffer from cold sores. Minimizing the duration and severity of outbreaks can help reduce the discomfort and embarrassment that many people experience during these sensitive moments. In this post, we'll explore some of the reasons why tea tree oil is so effective in curing these painful lesions and then give step-by-step instructions on how to use it to your advantage. Tea Tree Oils are extracted from the leaves of Melaleuca alternifolia which is commonly known as the Australian tea tree. The oils contain linoleic acid which is reported to have the ability to kill the herpes virus.
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In addition, tea tree oil has been found to soothe and heal insect bites and sunburns, although its effectiveness in these situations is controversial. Tea tree oil may also have antifungal and anti-bacterial properties as well. Cold sores are caused by the herpes simplex virus HSV-1 or HSV-2, which can be transmitted through contact with an infected person's saliva or other fluids that contain the virus. If you have an active cold sore, it means that you've carried the virus in your mouth for at least two days before symptoms develop.
Benefits of using tea tree oil for cold sores:
1) For cough and cold
Tea tree oil can relieve cough and cold. It can be used as a remedy for colds, flu, bronchitis, and other upper respiratory infections. Recent studies suggest that tea tree oil could be as effective as drugs in preventing infections caused by respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) and thus can be used as a natural remedy for cold and flu.
2) For skin conditions
Tea tree oil is reported to have antifungal, antibacterial, and antiviral properties. It is often used topically for the treatment of acne, athlete's foot, sunburns, psoriasis, and other skin conditions.
3) For throat pain due to cold
Tea tree oil can be used to relieve throat pain from colds, sore throats, and other chest ailments.
4) For wounds
Tea tree oil can be used to prevent infection of open wounds and also for healing wounds. It is beneficial in preventing scarring, and it promotes new blood vessel growth. Studies show that it has wound-healing properties similar to other essential oils such as peppermint oil, eucalyptus oil, and lavender oil. Some people believe that tea tree oil can be used for treating acne, fungal infections, and other skin diseases because of the powerful anti-bacterial properties it contains in its essential oil base.
5) For nail fungus
Several clinical studies have been performed to determine the effect of a 5% tea tree oil solution on the treatment of nail fungus. Antifungal activity was found as well as an improvement in the appearance and thickness of nails.
6) For dandruff
Tea tree oil shampoo is an effective remedy for dandruff and itchy scalp. It can be used on its own or as part of a complete routine along with other treatments. Tea tree oil shampoo can be added to a mild, medicated anti-dandruff shampoo or it can be applied directly to the scalp with less frequent reapplications.
7) For genital warts
Studies are reporting that tea tree oil can be used to treat genital warts caused by human papillomavirus (HPV). Tea tree oil can also treat cold sores caused by the herpes simplex virus.
8) For nail fungus
Recent studies show that tea tree oil is an antifungal agent for nails, toenails, and skin infections. Some of the fungal infections it helps cure are jock itch, baby's diaper rash and nail fungus.
9) For bed sores
Before you apply this essential oil on your bed sore, you have to dilute it with water in a carrier oil solution like 50/50 rubbing alcohol or witch hazel oil. Then apply it onto the bed sore in small amounts. Gently massage tea tree oil into the affected area. Tea tree oil can also be used together with other treatments such as antibacterial cream and antiseptic soaps to speed up the healing process of your bed sores.
10) For colds and cough
Tea tree oil can be sprayed into your nostrils using a nasal spray bottle to relieve runny nose, nasal congestion, sneezing, and cough associated with colds and flu. It can also be added to hot water and inhaled when you are suffering from chest congestion due to a cold or flu.
How to use tea tree oil for cold sores?

Step 1: Soak a cotton ball and apply it to the affected area for 10 minutes.
Step 2: Rinse the area with a mixture of 1 part tea tree oil and 2 parts water in a bowl. Keep rinsing off gently until all the essential oil is washed away.
Step 3: Repeat steps 1-2 at least 3 times daily to effectively treat cold sores.
Step 4: When you are ready to go out, saturate a cotton swab in tea tree oil solution and use it on any open sore on your lips, nose, or genital area to prevent cold sores from happening when you're exposed to other people's saliva or other body fluids that contain HSV-1 or HSV-2.
Step 5: If you have open cold sores, don't forget to cover them with a bandage or wardrobe before going out to avoid the risk of infection.
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While there is no scientific evidence that tea tree oil for cold sores works, many users are happy with the results. It does work better if you use it regularly and in combination with other treatments. Keep in mind that it takes a few days for tea tree oil to completely heal cold sores. You may notice some improvement in the first 24 hours, but more permanent healing will take time.
1) Can you apply tea tree oil to your children's eve?
Yes, tea tree oil can be safely applied to children's skin if you dilute it with water. It can be used directly on the sores or also mixed with a topical anti-infant rash cream. Tea tree oil is not toxic for children, but it should not be used in large amounts because of the possibility of skin irritation and rashes.
2) Can tea tree oil be taken orally?
No, tea tree oil should not be taken orally because it has a strong odor. Tea tree oil for cold sores is usually applied externally. Tea tree oil can be used to treat acne. It can kill bacteria that cause acne and pimples.
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