Naturally Healing Dog Ear Infections: Tea Tree Oil To The Rescue

Dog ear infections are common due to their natural tendency to chew and scratch at it. Dogs with long ears, floppy-eared dogs, or closed tear ducts are more prone to dog ear infections than others. The ear may feel blocked, but if you look at your dog's ears it appears normal. The only sign of a problem is when you notice a green color after bathing your dog. This is due to the build-up of bacteria in the skin and ear canal. If it is left untreated, the ear may be painful and swollen, especially if your dog licks or scratches its ear(s). If left alone, this may result in more pus appearing in the ear, further irritating your pet.
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Tea tree oil is an antibacterial essential oil that's used to treat a variety of skin ailments. It can be found in most drug stores or health food stores and has been studied for use on both humans and animals. Tea tree oil does not damage the skin like antibiotic treatments, instead, it kills bacteria that can cause infection when it enters the body through cuts, wounds, or damaged tissue in the ears.
Benefits Of Using Tea Tree Oil For Dog Ear Infection:
1) For Pain Due To Infection
Tea tree oil can be used to kill ear bacteria and reduce pain or infection due to those bacteria.
2) For External Infections
Tea tree oil is also good for infections that form on the skin outside of the ear canal. This includes infections that form on the eyelid, face, lips, nose, paw pads, or footpads.
3) For Internal Injuries
Tea tree oil can also be used to kill bacteria and other microorganisms that infect the skin of your dog. It can penetrate through wounds or damaged tissue in the ear to help treat infection.
4) For Itchy Skin
Tea tree oil is also good for calming itchy skin and repels parasites, so if your dog has a flea allergy or another kind of insect that could cause an allergic reaction, tea tree oil will help ease the itching sensation and get rid of any insects at the same time.
5) For Dogs With Sensitive Skin
Tea tree oil may have side effects in dogs with sensitive skin, so this should be considered before using this treatment for your pet. If your dog has an existing skin condition that requires a different treatment, this should not be used. Just as you wouldn't use a different type of medicine for a different type of infection, you should not use tea tree oil for an internal or external infection if it is raising your dog's skin.
6) For Dogs With Allergies
If your dog is suffering from allergies and itchy skin, tea tree oil may help alleviate the itching by making the skin less sensitive to allergens like flea bites or insect bites. In cases of severe flea allergy dermatitis, people have reported that topical application of tea tree oil has helped their dogs calm down and stopped scratching.
How To Dilute Tea Tree Oil For Dog Ear Infections?
Step 1: You can find tea tree oil at most major stores. It is sold in a bottle and comes with a dropper for easy application. This is convenient because you can easily put a few drops in your dog's ear without having to mix it with anything else.
Step 2: To get the best effect from the tea tree oil, it should be mixed with another liquid such as water or alcohol, which is then dropped into your dog's ear. At least three drops of tea tree oil should be placed into the ear, and then your pet's ear should be gently massaged so that it is spread around inside of his or her ear canal as much as possible without causing harm to your dog.
Step 3: After applying the oil to the ear, you should gently massage your dog's ear in a circular motion for around five minutes. Your pet may shake its head slightly but this is natural and you don't need to worry that it will get worse after applying the tea tree oil to your dog's ears. After this, let your dog rest for twenty minutes or so.
After The Tea Tree Oil Application:
The tea tree oil should start working after around thirty minutes or so, but you can expect a full recovery in two days. You will see less inflammation in the ear and it will become less painful when you touch it as well as see an improvement in his or her temperament.
DIY Recipes Using Tea Tree Oil For Dog Ear Infection

Recipe 1: For Yeast Infection In Dog's Ear
- 6 drops of tea tree oil,
- 2 tablespoons of plain yogurt,
- 1 tablespoon of honey,
- 3 tablespoons of water, and
- 20 drops of lavender essential oil.
- Mix the ingredients thoroughly in a bowl and put them into your dog's ear.
- Leave it in for about five minutes before washing out the ear with water.
Recipe 2: For Treating The Dog's Itching Of The Ear
- 1/4 cup yogurt,
- 2 teaspoons honey,
- 10 drops of tea tree oil,
- 8 drops of eucalyptus oil,
- 15 drops of lavender essential oil.
- Mix the ingredients in a bowl and apply to your dog's ears with a cotton ball or gauze.
- Make sure that you are not directly applying this solution to any wound or skin irritation.
Recipe 3: For Treating Dog Ear Infection
- 1 cup of water,
- 1 tablespoon of baking soda,
- 10 drops of tea tree oil, and
- 15 drops of lavender essential oil.
- Mix the ingredients and pour the mixture into your dog's ear.
- Give it a gentle massage to get the solution into your pet's head and ears.
- Leave it in for around thirty minutes before rinsing it out with warm water to remove any residue on your pet's ears.
You may also like:
1) Can tea tree oil also be used for other problem areas?
Yes, tea tree oil can be used to treat cuts, ulcers, wounds, skin parasites, and bites.
2) What is the difference between Tea Tree Oil & Tea Tree Essential Oil?
The difference between the two is that essential oils are extracted from the tea tree plant itself whereas essential oils are produced by distilling various ingredients. Water-soluble essential oils cannot be absorbed through the skin unless they are diluted with some oil or carrier oil substance. For this reason, some people choose candles and vaporizers that produce pure essential oil vapor instead of water-soluble ones.
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