Essential Oils To Calm Anxiety And Panic Attacks

Anxiety and panic attacks are two of the most common mental health conditions that people struggle with at some point in their life. Many people find it difficult to find relief from these symptoms and provide a greater sense of security in their lives. One alternative to this is the use of essential oils for panic attacks, which have been found by research to help alleviate many common symptoms associated with anxiety and panic attacks, including stress, restlessness, tiredness, and exhaustion. People with anxiety or panic disorder experience many symptoms that are a result of a constant state of tension and worry, including excessive worrying and anxiety, restlessness, muscle tension, insomnia, irritability, and other various issues.

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Panic attacks tend to include irregular heartbeat, chest pain or discomfort, choking or smothering sensations, and dizziness or hot flashes. For people who experience these symptoms frequently and intensely at times (usually in situations where they feel overwhelmed), it can be difficult to cope with their daily lives. Essential Oils for panic attacks may help to relieve some of the stress caused by these serious conditions by relieving symptoms such as anxiety, restlessness, and tiredness. In this article, sought-after advice will be provided on how to select oils for individuals struggling with these disorders as well as how these oils can be used effectively by the individual struggling with anxiety or panic attacks.

Essential Oils For Panic Attacks:

1) Lavender Essential Oil

Lavender Essential Oil is best used for anxious feelings and symptoms of depression, particularly at night before bed or before meditation. This oil is relatively potent for reducing anxiety and panic symptoms in some people. However, it is very important to note that individuals may vary in their reaction to oils, with some people showing little response or any response at all when introduced to a particular essential oil. It is always suggested that a person try the essential oils on themselves before using them on others and that the essential oils are not introduced to children under 15 years old.

2) Bergamot Essential Oil

Bergamot Essential Oil is one of the best essential oils for panic attacks used while meditating and is generally believed to be quite effective in helping a person to relieve their anxiety and stress. Before introducing this oil to children it is best to ask a physician for more information.

3) Grapefruit Essential Oil

Grapefruit Essential Oil is quite effective for reducing symptoms of anxiety, stress, and panic attacks, often used in conjunction with lavender.

4) Cajuput Essential Oil

Cajuput Essential Oil is best used while meditating and is generally believed to be quite effective in helping a person to relieve their anxiety and stress. Before introducing this oil to children it is best to ask a physician for more information.

5) Roman Chamomile Essential Oil

Roman Chamomile Essential Oil for severe panic attacks helps relax the nervous system, although no studies have been conducted on the use of this essential oil as an anti-anxiety agent.

6) Eucalyptus Essential Oil

Although not yet proven, research has shown that eucalyptus essential oil may help reduce symptoms of anxiety, stress, and panic attacks in some people. However, this isn't completely proven and more detailed studies would need to be conducted before any strong claims can be made about what this essential oil does to an individual.

7) Peppermint Essential Oil

Peppermint Essential Oil has been found to have very potent anti-anxiety effects and is generally considered an effective treatment for anxiety and panic attacks, especially when the person experiencing these symptoms is anxious around other people.

8) Rosemary Essential Oil

Rosemary Essential Oil is one of the best essential oils for panic attacks, most commonly used for aromatherapy purposes. This oil is known to help relieve fatigue and restlessness while also helping a person feel less stressed and more confident. This essential oil can also help to improve the mood of some people.

9) Geranium Essential Oil

Geranium Essential Oil is considered by many to be an effective anti-anxiety agent, although more research needs to be conducted before this can be verified.

10) Sweet Orange Essential Oil

Sweet Orange Essential Oil has been found to help reduce feelings of stress, fear, and tension in some people. However, more research needs to be conducted before any strong claims can be made about this essential oil as an effective treatment for anxiety or panic disorders.

DIY Recipe Of Best Essential Oils For Anxiety And Panic Attacks:

Recipe 1: Anxiety-Reducing Essential Oil Blend


  • Blend 1/2 cup of grapefruit, Roman chamomile, and lavender essential oils.
  • Add some pure aloe vera gel and blend it all.
  • Place in a small spray bottle and use it as a room diffuser.

Recipe 2: Aromatherapy Blend For Panic Attacks


  • Blend 1/4 cup of pure eucalyptus essential oil.
  • 1/4 cup of peppermint oil
  • 1/4 cup of bergamot oil
  • 2 teaspoons of sweet orange oil
  • 2 tablespoons of aloe vera gel and place in a portable aromatherapy diffuser.

Recipe 3: Anxiety-Fighting Essential Oil Blend


  • Place 1/4 cup of melissa essential oil
  • 1/4 cup of chamomile essential oil
  • 2 tablespoonfuls of lavender essential oil in a portable aromatherapy diffuser and use it to reduce your anxiety.

How To Use Essential Oils For Anxiety And Panic Attacks?

A roller ball or diffuser can help diffuse the essential oils for panic attacks in an individual's home, adding a nice smell to the space. Some people prefer to diffuse the essential oils in their cars, as this helps with any negative aroma that may build up. When using essential oils for anxiety and panic attacks some people find it helpful to use them in a bath or shower and then do some self-massage of the feet or hands to relax the nervous system (this technique is called Therapeutic Feet or Therapeutic Hands). When diffusing essential oil for anxiety and panic attacks, it is always suggested that a person use all-natural products. The effects of diffusing artificial essential oils can be very strong.

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1. How to blend essential oils for anxiety and panic attacks?

When mixing your custom blends using essential oils for anxiety and panic attacks, it is best to start with only one or two drops of the oil that you are planning on blending. You can then add more drops of essential oil to create a custom blend. When blending essential oils for anxiety and panic attacks with other natural oils it is often useful to do an "extraction" of the essential oil first by placing a small amount of the oil in a glass bowl.

2. Are essential oils for anxiety and panic attacks good for everyone?

No. Essential oils can affect each person differently therefore it's always best to do your research before using them. Some of the benefits are: easing tension, improving mood, and helping to promote a relaxed state of mind.


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