Essential Oils For Pest Control - Pesticide For Plants

Pesticides are a common solution for those looking to rid their gardens of pesky pests. They are usually applied to plants and can be made from natural things, like baking soda, or from synthetic materials, like glyphosate. While these work for the most part, they also come with a set of consequences that you may want to consider before using them in your garden. One popular alternative is using essential oils for pest control instead of pesticides. Essential Oils are derived from aromatic plants and can be put on the leaves or stems as an effective way to deter pests without harming your plants.
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The plants that you opt for will also depend on the pest that you are trying to rid your garden of. The essential oil will then be absorbed by the plants and affect their natural way of repelling pests. Once the essential oil is absorbed into the leaves or stems of the plant, it can begin working. The use of essential oils for pest control is often disputed because no scientific studies are proving their efficacy in eliminating pests. However, they do hold a few benefits when applied to plants. They will attract beneficial bugs like spiders, ladybugs, and praying mantis and can repel aphids and mites, two common issues with plants.
Best Essential Oils For Pest Control:
1) Clove Essential Oil
It is used to treat a large variety of pests. Its anti-fungal, anti-bacterial, and anti-parasite properties make it a great choice for repelling aphids and mites, whiteflies, fire ants, fleas, and ticks. It will also repel mice and other rodents and can be used to keep ants away from your home or garden. Clove essential oil will burn plants if it is not diluted properly, so it is best to avoid using this in areas where the leaves are thin.
2) Lemon Eucalyptus Essential Oil
This is a great option because it is all-natural and can be used safely around pets and children. It’s a fast-acting insect repellent that helps control mosquito larvae in water ponds, puddles, and plants. Lemon Eucalyptus Essential Oil works to repel over 100 species of insects including flies, gnats, fleas, moths, wasps, cockroaches, ants, and spiders. The scent also attracts bees, ladybugs, and other good bugs.
3) Citronella Essential Oil
It is often used to repel mosquitoes. It is a safe option for children and pets as well. To repel mosquitoes, rub citronella essential oil on your skin or put the oil on blocks of wood that you place outside to ward off mosquitoes around the yard or while enjoying your patio.
4) Thyme Essential Oil
This can be used as an insect repellent and as an antifungal agent against mold spores and mildew in your garden. Thyme Essential Oil can also be used to preserve foods and as an aid in the skin care industry. It is a great option for repelling silverfish, dormice, rodents, and other pests. It is also safe for indoor use as long as you don’t have pets or small children.
5) Lemongrass Essential Oil
It is effective in repelling ants, roaches, and spiders. If you are looking for a way to get rid of roaches, lemongrass is a great option. Just add the oil to your home or garden and this scent will repel them quickly. Lemongrass Oil is also usually used in cooking so it won’t cause any harm if pets come into contact with it.
6) Eucalyptus Essential Oil
You can use this as an insect repellent that doesn’t keep the bugs away for long periods like other oils tend to do. Eucalyptus Essential Oil will keep flies, mosquitoes, and other insects away for about two to three weeks. It can be used to repel ladybugs and other beneficial bugs.
7) Peppermint Essential Oil
This one is effective against ticks, fleas, gnats, and grasshoppers. Peppermint Oil also works as an antibacterial agent to control mold, mildew, and fungus in your garden.
8) Cedarwood Essential Oil
This is another great option for keeping insects at bay. It works as an insecticide and is often used in aromatherapy treatments as well. Along with repelling insects, it will deter rodents and keep fleas off your dog or cat. Cedarwood Oil can be used to repel mosquitoes and also works well as an anti-spider agent.
9) Honeysuckle Essential Oil
This is a great option for controlling spider mites, aphids, and scale insects. It is also good for gardeners looking to repel ants. Honeysuckle essential oil can work as an insect repellent or as a fungicide. It will work best if you apply it to tomato plants when they are young or if you give the leaves or flowers of the plant a spray before they go to seed.
How To Use Essential Oils For Pesticides?

Step 1: Dilute essential oils.
Step 2: Add 1-2 drops of essential oil per gallon of water; use a spray bottle for easy application.
Step 3: Spray the leaves and stems of your plants, or apply to the soil around the base of your plants.
Step 4: Reapply every 3-4 days for control of ants, fleas, and ticks as needed.
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There are many essential oil recipes you can use to get rid of pests in your garden. The most common recipes are made with clove oil, lemongrass, or peppermint. All these oils come from plants and have been shown to repel pests. These oils can work on a variety of pests but may require repeated applications for more effective results. It is important to test the oils before using them in your garden because they can sometimes have negative effects on certain plants. When applying an essential oil spray, make sure that you don’t use too much or the plant leaves will burn and begin to die off. For a stronger spray, you can apply a few drops of dish soap before applying the essential oils.
1) Do you need to mix the oil with other pesticides?
You can use the essential oil alone, but it may be important to include some other household pesticides in your spray mixture.
2) What is the best time of day to spray my plants?
You can spray your plants during the day when they have plenty of fresh water. It is also a good idea to avoid spraying when temperatures are high and humidity is low as this increases the risk of burning or killing off sensitive plants. Otherwise, you can just apply some diluted ointment directly on plant leaves.
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