Beyond Spice: Thyme Essential Oil's Hidden Uses


Thyme has a long and storied history, originating in the Northern Mediterranean with its most common ancestry coming from southern France and the Mediterranean regions of Spain, Italy, and Greece. Thyme is prized for its culinary applications but is also gaining recognition for its medicinal properties. Easing coughs caused by colds or pneumonia; preventing nausea associated with morning sickness; helping to regulate menstrual cycles; speeding up healing time by reducing inflammation from bruising or sprains; soothing sore throats or as an expectorant to break up congestion due to a head cold. Thyme oil is an essential oil from the herb thyme. The flavor of thyme oil varies depending on the type of thyme it comes from. For example, Tarragon oil has a savory or herbaceous aroma. This is a very popular flavor choice for many chefs and cooks.

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Thyme oil can be used both for cooking and in aromatherapy. It is also often used in soaps, lotions, and perfumes to give the product a distinctive scent with an earthy touch to it. Thyme oil is used topically as an antiseptic and deodorant. It can help soothe skin irritation and dermatitis. It also helps heal minor wounds. It can also be used in aromatherapy as a sedative, calming agent, and sleep aid. Thyme oil is very strong and should be diluted with a carrier oil before being applied directly to the skin. Thyme oil should not be taken internally. It can be used in aromatherapy to relieve symptoms associated with colds and flu, such as congestion, sore throat, cough, aches, pains, and headaches. It can help fight strong odors and bad breath from bacteria in the mouth or by using it as body wash before heading off to bed. It is also an antiseptic that can help treat athletes’ feet via a warm bath treatment or by using it topically on the feet after showering or bathing.

10 amazing uses of thyme essential oil

1) For pneumonia prevention

Thyme essential oil contains carvacrol, which has been shown to prevent the growth of bacteria responsible for pneumonia. If you have had pneumonia before, you have a higher chance of getting it again due to weakened immunity. Keep a bottle of thyme essential oil handy at all times. Store it in a cool and dry place. Do not refrigerate it. Instead, keep your bottle at room temperature because, over time, cold temperatures tend to degrade the quality of essential oils and can even change them completely. By using about 10 drops of thyme essential oil diluted with an unscented carrier oil such as almond or jojoba on your upper body or chest, you can help prevent pneumonia and the flu from spreading to other family members present in
the house.

2) For Allergies

Thyme has been used by herbalists to help bring about relief from allergies for centuries. It is the most common cleansing herb that is used by herbalists to treat allergic reactions such as hives, rashes, and asthma. Because of the unique composition of thyme essential oil, it can aid in dealing with any type of allergy or sensitivity related to your immune system or any other part of your body. 

3) As a home remedy

It has been known for centuries that thyme oil is an effective natural antiseptic agent. As a home remedy, it has antibacterial properties and works wonders for eliminating germs that accumulate quickly in homes due to dampness and humidity. 

4) To treat your feet

Athletes' feet are a common fungal condition that is caused by excessive moisture in the feet, often due to damp or moist shoes and socks which accumulate bacteria in warm humid conditions. A great way to treat this common fungal problem is by using thyme oil. 

5) For relieving vaginal infections

Vaginal infections are caused due to Candida overgrowth in the body, which is also known as candidiasis. Candida overgrowth can be caused by taking antibiotics that kill off good bacteria in the body which then give rise to yeast infections. If you suffer from recurring yeast infections, ensure that you take a probiotic supplement and use essential oils such as thyme to help fight it off. 

6) To treat acne

Most skin problems are linked to an imbalance of good and bad bacteria in the body. Acne is usually caused by bacteria getting into the hair follicles and clogging them up with pus and oil. A great way to treat acne is by using thyme essential oil. Apply a small amount of thyme essential oil on your affected skin several times a day to help cleanse the pores and fight off bacteria that cause acne.

7) To regulate menstrual cycles

Thyme has long been used as a way to regulate menstrual cycles and the flow of blood in women. It is often known as a treatment for controlling menstrual pains in women but also reduces inflammation, which helps relieve cramps during this time of the month when most women suffer from painful menstruation problems.

How to use thyme oil for health benefits?


Step 1: First, you need to choose a safe bottle with a dropper cap that is made of glass or plastic. Plastic bottles can harbor bacteria and can leach into your essential oils over time. The best bet is glass bottles, which are as effective at keeping the oils fresh as possible but are much more expensive.

Step 2: Pour about 12 drops of thyme oil into the dropper cap. You can add less for children and up to more for adults.

Step 3: Hold the bottle upright so that it does not tip over. Shake the bottle lightly so that you mix up the contents where some parts will be well mixed while other parts will still be oil-rich in case you need it later on.

Step 4: To use, squeeze the bottle gently and place two to three drops of thyme oil at your feet, wait for about 20 minutes, and then resume your daily chores as normal.

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Step 5: Repeat this process every day for best results.


1) What does thyme oil do?

Thyme oil is known for its antiseptic, astringent, and expectorant properties. It has been used widely to treat respiratory problems such as asthma, bronchitis, colds, and coughs in addition to treating skin infections. 

2) Are essential oils safe to use during pregnancy?

Essential oils are safe for pregnant women if carefully selected. However, it is important to consult with a trained professional first before using these natural remedies because it can increase the risk of miscarriage or even kill an unborn baby in the uterus.

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