Arnica Oil: Is It Safe During Your Pregnancy Journey?


Arnica oil is a natural painkiller and anti-inflammatory. It is typically used for muscle recovery after physical exertion and also for the treatment of bruises or sprains. Arnica Oil is considered safe during pregnancy, but there are a few exceptions to this rule. If you are allergic to arnica or any other plants in the daisy family, then avoidance of arnica oil during pregnancy might be necessary. Because it should not be applied to an open wound, arnica oil should not be applied during labor either. If you have a history of eczema or take oral medications that are toxic to the skin, then arnica oil may not be suitable for you during pregnancy. The type of arnica oil you use may contribute to your risk for reactions during pregnancy.

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Arnica oil is a BYO product, which means that you can choose which brand or form of arnica oil to purchase. However, it is important to know that different forms and blends contain different amounts of actual arnica flowers. Therefore the most effective way to determine what amount of arnica flower is in your specific blend is to look at the ingredient list on the label, especially if there are no directions on how much oil should be used.

Benefits of using arnica oil during pregnancy

1) For stretch marks

Although you cannot prevent stretch marks from appearing during pregnancy, applying arnica oil to your abdomen and breasts may help ease the itching and discomfort that sometimes occurs due to stretch marks.

2) For muscle soreness

Arnica oil is also used as a rub for muscle soreness during pregnancy. So you might already have some of this oil in your pump freezer! Arnica can be very helpful for muscle pain during pregnancy because it has anti-inflammatory properties.

3) For hemorrhoids

Although not related, some pregnant women also experience hemorrhoids during pregnancy. Arnica oil can also help with the inflammation and pain associated with this common pregnancy symptom.

4) For back pain

Back pain can be a common symptom of pregnancy and often occurs during the second trimester. The ingredients in arnica oil work to ease inflammation of the muscles and joints, which can alleviate your pain during pregnancy.

5) To help soften skin

Arnica oil is also used to soften skin because it has hydrating properties. This is especially beneficial if you have dry skin or dry patches on your skin that are aggravated by pregnancy hormones like progesterone. For the most part, arnica oil is safe for use during pregnancy. However, it is always recommended and advised to consult with your healthcare provider or midwife about the use of homeopathic remedies in pregnancy. Always look for labels on arnica oil that state it is safe for topical usage during pregnancy. Also, look at the ingredients to ensure that you are not allergic to any of them. If you are unsure if it will be harmful to use arnica oil during pregnancy, just err on the side of caution and don't use it.

6) For menstrual pain

Arnica oil is commonly used as a natural pain reliever for menstrual cramps. Arnica also works to ease inflammation in your uterus, which may be helpful for other types of uterine pain during pregnancy. 

7) For labor and delivery

Some evidence suggests that arnica helps relieve the discomfort of labor pains and is a safe way to assist with the transition from early labor to the transition stage. It has been proven that applying arnica oil for a few days before birth can help with recovery after birth as well. 

8) To treat postpartum hemorrhage

There are two forms of postpartum hemorrhage. The first form of postpartum hemorrhage occurs when the placenta detaches prematurely from the uterus and is referred to as placental abruption. The second form of postpartum hemorrhage occurs after the birth and is called postpartum uterine atony. If you are taking arnica oil during your pregnancy, it should be stopped after you have given birth because you may experience uterine bleeding after giving birth, which could be dangerous.

9) For osteoarthritis

Arnica oil may be able to help alleviate symptoms of arthritis for some pregnant women. This is especially true if you experience joint pain in your back and hips.

10) For thyroid disorder

Research shows that arnica oil may be able to stimulate the thyroid gland during times of hypothyroidism.

11) For collapsed veins

Arnica oil is effective for the treatment of varicose or collapsed veins. It is thought that arnica oil may help restore blood flow by restoring your veins to their normal state and increasing blood flow to those particular areas.

12) For tooth pain

If you are experiencing tooth pain during pregnancy, arnica oil might provide some relief because it can help with aches and pains in the teeth and gums. Toothache is usually caused by sensitivity due to pregnancy hormones, so arnica oil may be able to alleviate that sensitivity.

How to use arnica oil during pregnancy?


Step 1: The most common route of application is by using arnica oil as a topical rub. This may be done topically to the skin, ears, chest, or abdomen after showering or bath time.

Step 2: Some herbalists advocate for a more direct application of arnica oil during pregnancy. A carrier oil can be added to the arnica oil and then applied topically to the skin to speed up the effects of arnica's ability to stimulate cell regeneration.

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Step 3: The last method for applying arnica during pregnancy is by using an oral homeopathic formula such as Arnica Homoeopathic Tincture and Arnica Homeopathy Herbal Medicine Drops. To create a dose of 200C, you will need to add one drop of the tincture to 2.5cc of distilled water and shake well.


1) How much arnica oil to used during pregnancy?

The amount of arnica oil you should use during pregnancy depends on your preferences, the severity of your symptoms, and the type of product that is used for application or consumption. However, it is not recommended to ingest more than 10 ml per day. It is important not to use too much arnica oil in one sitting as this has been known to cause oversensitivity or irritation in some people.

2) What is the difference between arnica oil and arnica tincture? 

Tincture means that this extract is made by combining water and an alcohol base such as vodka, brandy, whiskey, or other liquor. This is used for oral consumption but not for topical application. Tinctures are made by extracting a liquid and evaporating it at low temperatures which results in a clear liquid. Arnica oils are usually made from concentrated arnica flowers using heat preservation methods such as water-bath distillation.

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