Tea Tree Oil: Your Ear Infection's Natural Enemy

It's an all-around natural powerhouse. A skin refresher, a mold fighter, and the best weapon against unwanted hair. This essential oil's power is wreaking havoc on our financial and personal lives, too! Tea tree oil is used in everything from soap to toothpaste across the globe, and it has been clinically proven to fight bugs. Now scientists are researching its potential to fight even more invading enemies: harmful bacteria that cause illnesses like pneumonia and influenza! A scalp application of tea tree oil can prevent dandruff from returning. It's also thought to be an effective antifungal and antibacterial.
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Tea tree oil reduces the risk of infection by killing bacteria and fungi that cause ear infections, meningitis, acne, athlete's foot, and urinary tract infections. It also has anti-inflammatory properties that soothe skin irritation and heal cuts from shaving. Tea Tree is a natural antiseptic used to effectively fight bacteria and germs within the nose as well as in other places on the body such as in wounds.
The procedure of using tea tree oil for ear infection
1) For earache
Dip a cotton ball in tea tree oil and place two to three drops in each ear. This works well for children and adults alike. Do this any time you have an earache, particularly if it's accompanied by a fever or rash. If there's pus draining out of your ear, put 3-4 drops in the affected ear and leave it to stay overnight without wiggling your head. If you have a sore throat, sniff the oil drop by drop directly into the nose on a tissue or piece of cloth. It will not make you sneeze as its smell is far more subtle than peppermint oil (which does the same job).
2) For cleaning ear wax
There are a few simple recipes you can try for cleaning your ears. Mix 5 tablespoons of extra virgin olive oil with a couple of drops of tea tree oil and warm it in the microwave for about 15 seconds. Once the mixture is warm, put a couple of drops into each ear. The heat will help loosen the wax in your ears and also relieve the pain. Get a clean cloth and lay it on your back. Put two to three drops of tea tree oil directly into each ear, lie still on your back for 3-5 minutes, then using an earbud, wipe gently around your outer ear canal.
3) For prevention of fungus
Spray the inside of your ear canal with a mixture of 1 teaspoon of extra virgin olive oil and 5 drops of tea tree oil. Be careful not to get it in your actual eardrum.
4) For dandruff
Tea tree oil can help control dandruff caused by Malassezia furfur, a fungus-like organism that is thought to be a causative agent in 30 percent of all cases of dandruff. To use tea tree oil for your scalp, dilute 2 or 3 drops in 1 tablespoon of jojoba oil or almond oil and massage this mixture into the scalp every other day.
5) Preventing ear infection
Take a tablespoon of tea tree oil and mix it with 2 teaspoons of coconut oil. Apply this mixture to the infected ear every other day. After a month or so, you can be sure that your ear infection will be completely gone!
6) Treating earache
For quick relief of an earache, put 5 to 6 drops of tea tree oil in 1 teaspoon of coconut oil. Apply a little (about the size of a rice grain) mixture inside the ear to relieve pain. Remember not to put too much as it may cause dizziness. Do not repeat this every day as it might create immunity.
7) For relieving migraine
Migraine headaches can be excruciatingly painful, and many home remedies can help reduce or even prevent chronic headaches. One of the most common strategies is to inhale a combination of aromatherapies, including tea tree oil! Put 2 drops each of lavender oil and peppermint oils into 1 teaspoon of coconut oil. Then microwave it for about 10 seconds. Apply a little mixture inside the ear to relieve pain.
8) For healing cuts and wounds
Put 5-6 drops of tea tree oil in 1 teaspoon of jojoba or almond oil. Store in a bottle, and shake it well before using it every day for cuts, burns, acne spots, and insect bites. Keep this mixture in your first aid kit if you tend to injure yourself often. Remember not to put too much as it may cause dizziness.
Is tea tree oil good for ear infections?

Yes, of course! Many other things can cause damage and infection to the inner ear. A little-known condition called otomycosis is a fungal infection of the outer or middle ear that can be treated with tea tree oil. The fungus grows in dark, damp areas like showers and swimming pools, so it's important to keep your ears dry and clean to lower the risk of infection. Tea tree oil is also an effective treatment for swimmers' ear, a bacterial ear infection caused by water trapped in the canal after swimming. Even though the process may be painful at first, the oil helps reduce redness and swelling in the ear. Tea tree oil can also help relieve earaches and infections associated with sinusitis (inflammation of the sinuses), but you must consult your doctor about allergy-free medicated creams that are appropriate for your condition.
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Some people may want to use tea tree oil to treat their ear infections but keep in mind that it should only be used as a last resort. For this reason, most doctors will not recommend its use but rather prescribe an antibiotic or steroid medication instead. If you want to use tea tree oil for ear infections, be aware that it can have strong side effects, such as allergic reactions and dependence. Because of its antibacterial benefits, tea tree oil can also be used to treat cuts and wounds. It can also be applied to the skin directly to soothe blotchy scars. Tea tree oil generally comes from Australia, but some sources state that it's produced in China as well. It's used for many reasons from acne to getting rid of fungus and mosquito bites. Externally, tea tree oil is commonly used to treat skin problems like sunburns and athlete's foot because of its antiseptic properties.
1) How do I get some from the health shop?
Most natural health shops will have tea tree oil and you can buy it in any pharmacy. You may also find it on the internet. If you want to make your own, check our Pinterest page for a recipe.
2) What's the best way to take tea tree oil?
Put 1-2 drops of tea tree oil in a teaspoon of coconut oil or olive oil, rub the mix into your skin as needed, and keep it at room temperature. Or blend half a teaspoon of olive oil with 1⁄2 drop of tea tree oil then pour this mixture into neck cream or moisturisers. Tea tree oil has antibacterial, antifungal, and antiviral properties. It can be helpful for common skin problems like acne, boils, pimples, and body odor. It's a powerful antiseptic that can help treat acne, boils (including athlete's foot), ringworm, or other fungal infections. It also has antiviral powers so it can help decrease inflammation of the sinuses as well.
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