Discover The Magic: Benefits Of Cassia Essential Oil


Cassia essential oil has a wide range of health benefits. With it being so versatile, this oil can be used not only as a scent but also as a natural remedy for many different ailments. It is believed that it can even be used to cure cancer. Use this guide on how to harness the potential of cassia essential oil and learn how to make the most out of your oils! Almost everyone has heard about the benefits of olive oil, but few have ever had the opportunity to try cassia essential oil.

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This is simply because cassia essential oil isn't very widely known in comparison to other oils like olive or coconut oils. Although it's known to many as a cinnamon essential oil, cassia essential oil is made from the bark of a tree called Cinnamomum cassia, which is much cheaper than the former. But it is not the only plant that is used for cassia essential oil production. Other plants use the same species of plant, which are Cinnamomum aromaticum and Cinnamomum loureirii.

Benefits Of Cassia Essential Oil:

1) For Fungal Infections

Cassia essential oil will be your best friend when it comes to fungal infections. Fungal infections can be caused by athlete's foot, which is a prevalent infection among the elderly. Cassia essential oil can help with this, and it has been known to cure many cases of athlete's foot.

2) For Digestion

Cassia essential oil will work well for digestion problems since it supports the digestive system. If you have problems with bloating or indigestion, then cassia essential oil is your best bet. It has a soothing effect on the digestive tract, and it helps balance stomach acid levels.

3) For Headaches

Headaches are a pretty common ailment, and they often come with multiple side effects. One of these side effects is insomnia due to the pain. Cassia essential oil works well for helping with headaches since it can relieve pain and has sedative properties.

4) For Indigestion

As mentioned earlier, cassia essential oil helps with digestion issues, so the same can be said about indigestion. If you have acid reflux or heartburn problems, then cassia essential oil will do you wonders! It also helps with nausea caused by motion sickness or stomach flu because of the calming effect it has on the digestive tract. 

5) For Mental Clarity

Mental clarity is a term that has been used in the past but has made its way back into the lexicon. It is a term that describes being in an alert state and having a clear head. Cassia essential oil helps with this since it increases focus and concentration by improving blood flow to the brain and helping with memory retention.

6) For Stress Relief

Stress can have adverse effects on our bodies, and it can cause heartburn or indigestion problems. But cassia essential oil helps with this by reducing stress levels. It also helps with sleep problems due to mental stress like insomnia and nightmares.

7) For Sore Muscles

Cassia essential oil is a must-have in your medicine cabinet because it helps with sore muscles. Whether you're having lower back pain from working too much or you're just overworked, cassia essential oil helps relieve the pain. It can also assist with injuries caused by trauma, falls, or strains from intense use.

8) For Respiratory Problems

If you have asthma or if you are suffering from seasonal allergies, then cassia essential oil is your archnemesis. It can help treat a wide range of respiratory problems, but it also helps with mental clarity.

9) For Relaxation

You might not realize this, but cassia essential oil is a great way to relieve anxiety and reduce stress levels. If you want to unwind from a stressful day, then cassia essential oil is what you need!

10) For Blood Circulation

Blood flow and circulation are important for the body to keep everything running smoothly. Cassia essential oil helps improve blood circulation by relaxing the muscles in blood vessels and arteries. It also reduces blood pressure by working on the heart.

11) For Congested Nasal Passages


We have already discussed the benefits of cassia essential oil regarding stress and anxiety. But it's also good for this since it helps with congestion in the nasal passages and sinuses.

12) For Coughs

Many people have problems with chronic coughing, and they usually end up feeling frustrated because of how hard it is to stop. However, cassia essential oil can help you get rid of your cough by relieving mucus buildup, as well as sore throats.

13) For Mouth Ulcers

This is another ailment that many people suffer from daily, but many do not even realize that there are effective treatments for these symptoms.

How Is Cassia Essential Oil Made?

Step 1: Cassia essential oil is collected from the bark of the tree. The procedure for extracting the oil from the bark is then as follows:

  • The small sticks are then removed from the bark, and
  • An oil is extracted out of its outer layer.

Step 2: The cassia essential oil can be diluted in a variety of ways to create different scents.

  • It can be diluted with water, almond oil, or sunflower seed oil.
  • To lower its concentration, you can mix it with coconut or olive oils.
  • These are great for mixing up your homemade products due to their high levels of other essential oils.

Step 3: Cassia essential oil is usually bottled in a bottle with a screw cap, but it can also be bottled in a roll-on and poured into a glass container. Different dosages are used for different things, but all of the ingredients are listed on the label.

  • To preserve it for up to ten years, you can use alcohol or glycerin as preservatives.
  • If you want it to last a little longer than that, you should choose vegetable glycerin or ethyl alcohol.
  • This will keep your essential oil fresh for at least two to three years.

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    1) Is cassia essential oil safe for use in children?

    It is 100% safe for use on children since it does not cause eye irritation.

    2) What should you mix cassia essential oil with?

    If you want to mix your essential oils, then you can always dilute them with other oils. You can also add more of the same essential oil or other scent to get the aroma that you are looking for.

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