Cats And Cinnamon Essential Oil: A Whisker-Safe Guide


Cinnamon is an indispensable household spice, commonly used in candles, potpourri, and oil diffusers to add warmth and coziness to your home environment. With its distinctive aroma, cinnamon has the power to transform it into an atmosphere that feels warm and welcoming for family life and business.

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However, cinnamon can be harmful if your cat consumes large quantities or has an allergic reaction to it. Consumption can result in coumarin poisoning which is very hazardous to cats.

Its Non-Toxic

Essential oils are highly concentrated substances that can be applied directly to the skin or inhaled, depending on how you prefer using them. Studies have demonstrated that cats exposed to excessive quantities can become toxic as a result of a lack of specific enzymes required to process certain compounds like phenol, which builds up to dangerous levels in their livers over time, eventually leading to liver failure, seizures, and ultimately death, according to veterinary specialists.

Cinnamon can be especially dangerous to cats as it contains coumarin, which has been reported as being used as a blood thinner by humans and to cause liver disease in rodents, according to the Pet Poison Helpline. Coumarin may also irritate the gastrointestinal tract lining, leading to vomiting and diarrhea in your pet. If you notice drooling, tremors, low heart rate, or other signs after ingestion of cinnamon oil from any source in your cat then seek medical assistance immediately from a veterinarian or another animal shelter.

Applying cinnamon essential oil to your cat could be risky; should she come into contact with it, she could lick or chew at her fur, which could result in respiratory irritation and even fatal allergic reactions.

Cinnamon oil inhalation can also be dangerous due to its high concentration. Inhaling cinnamon oil can lead to serious respiratory problems in both humans and pets alike, particularly for those suffering from allergies or asthma, as it may aggravate existing conditions. Furthermore, cinnamon oil poses serious threats to young children, the elderly, and those with serious medical issues.

Cinnamon can be highly toxic if applied directly to the skin. An allergic reaction may cause dermatitis, leading to irritation, itching, and reddening in both hair and skin - it may even result in severe burns!

Essential Oils should only be administered by a veterinarian as many of these substances have not been thoroughly researched for animal use and could prove too potent for your cat's safety. Even some essential oils considered safe for human use - like tea tree oil - could potentially prove irritating or cause health issues in specific animal species.

It’s Toxic

Essential oils may be beneficial to humans but can be fatally toxic for cats due to an enzyme deficiency in their liver that metabolizes certain components found in essential oils. As such, toxic levels accumulate and build up within their bodies - possibly leading to liver failure as a result of liver toxicity or even skin irritation, respiratory distress, or death in severe cases.

Cats can come into contact with essential oils through skin contact, ingestion, and inhalation. A cat's allergic response could include rashes, burns, or itching from skin contact; while inhalation could result in wheezing and breathing difficulties. Consumption of cinnamon essential oil could result in vomiting, diarrhea, increased heart rate, blood thinning, or organ failure symptoms.

Pet Poison Help Line reports that most essential oils can be harmful to cats if applied topically, including basil, birch, fennel, helichrysum, melaleuca, oregano, and peppermint; any citrus oils containing d-limonene; as well as diffusers left unattended that might expose your cat. Therefore it's wise to avoid applying these essential oils directly onto their skin or in diffusers that could expose your feline friend.

Whenever using essential oils, make sure they are pure and third-party tested to ensure purity. Keep them out of reach from curious felines who may try to lick or chew them; for your safety, it would also be wise to store them away in an inaccessible cupboard so they cannot easily be reached by curious felines. If any signs of discomfort appear in your cat after using an essential oil product, consult a veterinarian immediately; the vet can conduct tests and evaluate its severity as well as provide treatment solutions such as baths or medication depending on its severity.

It's Allergic


Cinnamon compounds found in cinnamon sticks, powdered spices, or decorative ornaments as well as inhaled through an essential oil diffuser or consumed through plants or spiced food are toxic to cats and other pets, according to the ASPCA. They may even lead to liver failure or even death depending on how much is consumed - cinnamon oil being more potency than its counterparts in terms of dangerousness.

Coumarin is an anticoagulant and liver toxin that can thin blood too rapidly, leading to hemorrhaging. If too much coumarin is consumed through food or drink, it can also lead to hepatitis. Coumarin has also been found toxic for rodents, leading them to liver failure. Cinnamon comes from two species of trees that produce cinnamon; both produce toxic levels for cats - with the Cassia (Cinnamomum cassia) variety being the dominant one with more potency due to more potency coumarin content and chemical properties of these trees producing most of this ingredient for the production of cinnamon worldwide.

Cats may also be at risk from plants such as helichrysum, peppermint, pennyroyal, sweet birch, and tea tree (melaleuca). Their highly reactive oils may lead to severe reactions like ataxia (impaired balance or coordination), salivation, tremors, drooling, coma, or even death.

Essential oils safe for cats include lavender, helichrysum, and chamomile; these have relaxing and pain-relieving properties and may help address conditions such as anxiety, insomnia, digestive issues, and respiratory infections. Frankincense also makes an effective option to alleviate pain caused by arthritis inflammation.

Make sure to purchase therapeutic-grade essential oils, which have been diluted and can safely be used with pets. Also, ensure the brand you buy displays third-party testing results as proof it is free from contaminants and adulterants. Finally, it's wise to store essential oils out of reach of cats as any accidental ingestion could cause symptoms like drooling, difficulty breathing, tremors, and even rapid collapse if swallowed unknowingly.

It’s Not Safe

Keep your feline family member safe with extra consideration if you own a cat. Essential oils, extracted from plant parts with distinctive fragrances and medicinal benefits, can be widely used in aromatherapy treatments as well as aromatherapy therapies; some essential oils like clove, eucalyptus, lavender, and rosemary may be toxic at certain concentrations and could result in difficulty breathing, drooling, vomiting and/or tremors in cats ingesting essential oils; in these instances seek medical advice immediately from your vet for best treatment options available to them. 

The ASPCA Animal Poison Control Center lists cinnamon as non-toxic for cats, though long-term exposure could prove fatal. One key reason is their inability to produce enough of an enzyme called glucuronyl transferase to break down cinnamon compounds before they build up in their bloodstream; additionally, thin skin makes cats particularly prone to absorbing cinnamon compounds through products like essential oils that come into direct contact with the skin.

Cinnamon poisoning can result in burns to the skin, respiratory issues, and liver damage if consumed by children or infants, with nausea and vomiting occurring for both themselves and elderly individuals. Furthermore, cinnamon toxicity may even cause bleeding into gastrointestinal organs in older individuals who come in contact with it.

Rash-like symptoms may appear on the face or other parts of the body, as well as an itchy or blistered scalp. Other symptoms may include drooling, weakness, low heart rate, labored breathing, and loss of coordination according to the Pet Poison Helpline.

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Essential oils don't pose the only danger for cats; they can also be found in household products like cinnamon brooms and candles that pose risks. It is wise to keep these away from curious paws as they could prove deadly poisonous if consumed by them.

Many homeowners opt to use essential oils for home decor and air freshening purposes, however, these substances can be potentially dangerous when misused or used excessively. Instead, consider selecting items without fragrance such as creating a space where your cat can relax and unwind without fear.

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