Bye-Bye Skin Tags: How Tea Tree Oil Works As A Natural Remedy


Tea tree oil is a pure essential oil extracted from the Olea Europaea plant that grows in Australia and New Guinea. It has a therapeutic element called terpenes. It has been used as an expectorant, antiseptic, antifungal, and anti-inflammatory since the 16th century. Tea tree oil works very well for skin tags, warts, moles, tumors, and other benign growths. It can be easily applied to skin tags to bring them down without causing any discomfort to the patient. Skin tags, or one of the many other benign growths such as tumors, warts, and moles are usually not deadly. However, they can become quite problematic for people suffering from a range of skin issues. Skin tags can cause itching and irritation which often leads to infection in the area and surrounding skin tissue.

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Benefits Of Using Tea Tree Oil To Remove Skin Tags

1) Tea tree oil is a penetrating oil that reaches the deepest layers of skin tissue with its anti-inflammatory and antiseptic properties.

2) When applied topically, it reduces redness and irritation from skin tags on areas like the neck, face, arms, and chest. It also helps in dealing with any itching sensations caused by skin tags.

3) Tea tree oil can be easily applied to the skin tag because it does not have an odor, unlike some of the other available creams for removing skin tags. Its fragrance is pleasant smelling and not overpowering.

4) Unlike some of the chemicals that are pre-mixed with other ingredients, tea tree oil has its therapeutic components intact.

5) Tea tree oil has been used effectively for treating skin tags and other benign growths in people for years, so it is safe to use as a topical treatment.

6) One good thing about tea tree oil is that it does not irritate the surrounding healthy tissue as many creams do. This is because it helps get rid of the bacteria and fungus that cause irritation and redness in the surrounding tissue.

7) When applied to skin tags regularly, tea tree oil helps to shrink them down to a small size. When the skin tag is still small enough, it can simply be removed without irritating the surrounding tissue. Also, once the skin tag is removed, it does not cause any problems with healthy tissue in the area.

8) You can control the amount of tea tree oil that you apply to your skin tags as tea tree oil cannot be washed off. However, you do not need to apply a lot of oil directly to your skin tags since it dries up quickly when applied. On some occasions, you might see some oils left on the skin if they are left intact for too long before washing them off.

9) Tea tree oil can help normalize blood circulation in areas where skin tags exist.

10) Some skin tags can lead to larger-sized tumors as well if left to grow. If you apply tea tree oil regularly, it is likely to shrink the size of the skin tag and prevent the formation of a tumor.

11) You should not use tea tree oil for more than three weeks at a time since it may irritate some people. Also, you must wash off the application of tea tree oil before going out into the sun or swimming in any body of water for long periods.

How To Remove Skin Tags With Tea Tree Oil?

Step 1: First, place a small amount of tea tree oil on a clean fingertip.

Step 2: Then you need to apply it directly onto the skin tag. Make sure your skin is completely dry before applying tea tree oil. If you have a wart, moles, or any other kind of tumor, you can apply it directly there as well. It simply needs to be applied at least three times per day for best results. As mentioned previously, do not apply more than three consecutive weeks since it may irritate some people's skin.

Step 3: While applying tea tree oil, make sure that you are massaging the area around your skin tag with a gentle motion. This helps to get rid of the skin tag. It also reduces redness and irritation caused by the skin tags. If you notice that your skin is burning after applying tea tree oil, you can stop using it for a couple of days and only resume using it when the irritation has gone away.

Step 4: Apply a mixture of plain yogurt and olive oil to your skin tags once or twice a week for optimal results. This will help to moisturize existing growths on your skin, prevent new ones from forming, and make it easier for the tea tree oil to penetrate the skin tag.

DIY Recipes Of Tea Tree Oil To Remove Skin Tags And Moles:


Recipe 1: For Removal Of Skin Tags



  • Mix the ingredients in a blender and mix well until they become smooth.
  • Apply the mixture directly onto the skin tag.
  • Repeat the process once or twice a week for best results.

Recipe 2: For Moles On The Face


  • 6 drops of tea tree oil,
  • 1 teaspoon of coconut oil, and
  • 3 spoonfuls of honey.


  • Mix the ingredients in a blender and mix well until they become smooth. 
  • Apply the mixture directly onto moles on the face.
  • Repeat the process once or twice a week for best results.

Recipe 3: For Moles On Arms


  • 6 drops of tea tree oil, and
  • 2 spoonfuls of honey.


  • Mix the ingredients in a blender and mix well until they become smooth. 
  • Apply the mixture directly onto moles on the arms.
  • Repeat the process once or twice a week for best results.

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    1) Are there any side effects to applying tea tree oil to skin tags?

    According to many reviews and reports by people who have used tea tree oil for removing skin tags, it is safe, easy, and effective. Some people do complain of a burning sensation if the skin tag used is large. Also, it is not advisable to apply tea tree oil directly on open wounds or broken skin. Therefore, it is important that you follow the instructions carefully regarding application and also ensure that you avoid applying tea tree oil directly to these areas.

    2) Is tea tree oil safe for pregnant women or people with sensitive skin?

    Yes! Tea tree essential oil is considered safe when applied topically in small amounts.

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