Aloe Vera Gel For Dentures And Gum Disease



Aloe vera gel can help prevent or treat gum diseases like periodontitis and stomatitis, as well as alleviate any discomfort from dentures. It also offers soothing pain relief.

Study results revealed that aloe vera gel was just as effective at reducing plaque and bacteria load than two popular toothpastes without altering the color of acrylic teeth.

Soothes Sore Gums

Gums may become sore if bacteria accumulate along the gum line or if infection occurs in one or more teeth or fillings, making your mouth sores worse. Aloe vera can help heal mouth sores and soothe gum pain caused by dentures by providing salicylic acid as a natural analgesic that reduces pain and swelling in gums - it is commonly found in products designed for oral use, like toothpaste and mouthwash designed specifically for use within the mouth.

Apply aloe vera directly to any painful areas of your gums for quick relief. Creating this home remedy is straightforward; just ensure you know how to prepare it. Simply cut open an aloe leaf, extract its gel, rinse it under running water to clean it, and blend it using a food processor until the consistency of a liquid gel. Apply using cotton balls directly on to gums; leave on for approximately 10 minutes then rinse mouth with cool water before repeating this twice daily until gums have completely healed.

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Turmeric can also help alleviate gum pain and swelling naturally, making it one of the best natural solutions available to combat inflammation in gums. You can purchase turmeric mouthwash to fight harmful bacteria which lead to gum inflammation, or drink turmeric juice directly as an oral laxative that could potentially cause stomach upsets.

If your gums are sore due to the adjustment period for a new denture, if possible try massaging them gently with warm salt water to relieve pain and inflammation. Olive oil mixed with ground cloves may also provide soothing relief; cloves contain analgesic properties called eugenol which is present within cloves.

Secure Sensitive can help reduce friction between gums and dentures to help stop plaque and tartar formation on teeth and relieve discomfort caused by rubbing. Its easy-use, non-toxic formula provides temporary relief for sensitive gums, mouth sores, and irritated or swollen gums.

Reduces Inflammation

Applying aloe vera gel directly to any mouth sore such as a canker sore, cold sore, or lichen planus may help reduce inflammation and speed healing. Salicylic acid contained within aloe vera breaks down in the mouth to produce an aspirin-like compound that provides pain control and relieves sores.

Aloe vera contains anti-inflammatory properties that can reduce gum inflammation and bacteria levels, providing effective denture-related stomatitis treatment. When combined with soft liners for additional protection from irritation. It can be purchased at most health food stores and used in oral products like toothpaste, mouthwash, and denture cleaners; to get maximum benefit look for products made with organic material that has not been processed with excessive heat filtration or filtering processes; consult non-profit organizations such as the International Aloe Science Council to learn which brands meet quality standards.

If you wear dentures, regular brushing, flossing, and rinsing with warm water will help prevent gingivitis - the early stage of gum disease caused by plaque build-up on the teeth - the precursor of gingivitis. Gingivitis can be caused by plaque, an unsightly film that accumulates over time on teeth that causes inflammation of gums when not removed properly; one studyTrusted Source reported that those who rinsed twice a day with aloe vera mouthwash experienced less inflammation than those using regular or placebo mouthwash.

Gingivitis can progress into periodontitis if left untreated, leading to more serious gum disease that leads to inflamed, swollen, and bleeding gums that become infected with bacteria, becoming inflamed, red, and bleeding. Treating periodontitis can be difficult due to bone loss in the jawbone, loose teeth, bad breath, and new spaces between them; but according to one study from Trusted Source people with periodontitis who rinsed twice a day using aloe vera mouthwash for three months saw significant reductions in inflammation than those using aloe vera alone; furthermore, researchers found those using both mouthwashes and scaled their gums twice annually saw even less inflammation than just using scaled alone!

Relieves Pain

Aloe vera contains both anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties to soothe gum pain from denture irritation. Furthermore, its antiseptic properties help decrease bacteria counts in your mouth - potentially helping prevent gum diseases like gingivitis.

Gingivitis occurs when plaque, the naturally-occurring sticky film that forms on your teeth, accumulates and irritates gum tissue, leading to red, swollen gums. Aloe vera may help alleviate gingivitis by strengthening immunity systems and decreasing bacteria numbers in your mouth.

Aloe vera Gel can also help soothe mouth sores caused by stress, poor dental hygiene, viral infections, aphthous ulcers, or lichen planus. Massage your gums for one minute daily using aloe vera gel; this should reduce pain while speeding the healing time for sores in your mouth.

Clove can provide natural relief from toothache pain caused by cracked or chipped teeth, provided a cotton ball or bud dipped in clove oil is applied directly onto the affected tooth(s). This should give instantaneous pain relief.

Washing your mouth with a mixture of water and aloe vera may also help alleviate gum pain caused by aphthous ulcers, viral lesions, or other mouth sores. Do this twice or three times daily until your sore has disappeared - drinking plenty of water when using this treatment is important as aloe vera is laxative so too much consumption may lead to cramps and diarrhea if consumed in large amounts. It is also wise to consult your physician before undertaking this treatment if you have diabetes or are taking medications that interfere with how your body metabolizes sugar because aloe vera may reduce blood glucose levels further while combined with some medications may even prove dangerous and lead to adverse health consequences.

Prevents Dry Mouth


Aloe vera gel can provide an effective natural remedy for dry mouth (xerostomia). You can use it as denture adhesive or rinse to maintain moist gums and keep canker sores at bay; canker sores and cold sores are also eased by its salicylic acid-containing compounds which break down in the body into an aspirin-like substance that soothes sore tissue and relieves pain.

Aloe vera tea rinses can also help alleviate gum irritation by decreasing bacteria that cause gum sores and helping your gums heal from previous tooth extractions. Furthermore, this remedy also soothes any associated irritation such as smoking or medications taken to help your mouth.

Stores offering dental products containing aloe vera may carry various products, though not all are created equally. The ideal products should contain pure and stabilized aloe vera that has undergone manufacturing standards testing - you could look for non-profit associations which certify dental products to ensure you find something of quality.

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Aloe vera can act as an all-natural laxative and reduce symptoms of constipation. Furthermore, its composition provides important vitamins and minerals like calcium, magnesium, vitamins A, C, and E as well as amino acids (the building blocks of proteins). When selecting products containing abrasive elements that could damage teeth and gums.

For optimal aloe vera results for gum health, drink the juice from fresh leaves regularly or use it as a mouthwash or topically on sore tissues and gums. Be sure to wash your hands first to avoid introducing harmful bacteria into any sore tissues that might need healing. For safety's sake, pregnant and breastfeeding women should avoid aloe vera products, and those using products certified by recognized organizations (i.e. International Aloe Science Council certification process). For more information about this certification process visit their website - they can learn more by visiting this link.

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